Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Therapist Who TRULY CARES!!!

I have been seeing a therapist for awhile to help me deal with dealing with chronic illness and my anxiety issues.  She is so wonderful and she talks with my other doctors - she is not a psychiatrist, she is a PhD psychologist.  She works so well with my other doctors so we are all on the same page.

I had seen psychiatrists and psychologists in the past and hated them all and was nervous about doing it again.  But she is so different.  I've been seeing her since 2008 and it is amazing now and for awhile now that when I walk into her office - she always turns off all the lights for me! - my body is tuned to auto-relax and my pain level even though high right before - lowers.  I've told her I would set up shop and never leave her office - as a joke.  I think that when you find a TRUE SAFE PLACE that with anxiety making chronic migraine worse that after awhile your body recognizes it and does do an auto relaxation response - less fight or flight response.  I also feel the same way at my acupuncturists office.

But I wanted to tell you about how much a real therapist who truly cares will go for you.  I'll add that she says she sees a lot of strength in me and that she even has said she admires me and uses my (anonomously) experiences and reactions and abilities to learn for other patients.

Last year - about a year ago actually - I had an appointment and went to my car to drive there - it's close I don't drive often and only to doctors and close by - anyhow, I go to my car and it doesn't start.  Well, you don't go try your car an hour before you have to go somewhere to make sure it works and then go back inside, do you?  So, it's a surprise and a problem.  I call the receptionist and tell her and here where I live a cab would take too much time.  I tell her I guess I'll have to cancel my appointment and pay the fee.  She says let me talk to the therapist and get back to you.  She calls me back and says that my therapist wants to come and pick me up and doesn't have an appointment after me so can take me back home as well.  WHAT???  I have never!!!  So, I give her the address and directions and my therapist does this amazing thing for me.  So incredible.  We did not talk appointment stuff during drive - only small talk.  She is very strict about therapy only during therapy session.

SO - today - this morning - I have an appointment and I have since moved but go to my car (I have not driven hardly at all in a while - no one lets me and it isn't a good idea but I thought my hubby was driving the car every so often) AND once again it won't start?!?! - can I believe it? NO.  I call the receptionist once again and talk through the same issues.  This time she suggests that my therapist may be willing to have the appointment via phone.  And she was - since the phone can aggravate my migraine and tinnitus - I put the phone on speaker - also painful - so put on headphones and plugged into phone.  It was great because I REALLY needed to have my therapy session.

THEN - if you can believe it - my therapist suggests that for our next appointment and possibly those after seeing how it goes that we schedule when she can come to my home and have session here!  First she said she could pick me up and take me home and then she said - or I can just be there!

I couldn't believe it.  All I can say is that is how you know when someone truly cares about your health.  I didn't have to ask - she gave.  She is very professional but is giving!  To go out of her way for her patient is unbelievable if it hasn't happened - it is believable. 

Also huge kudos to my other doctors who also go out of their way as much as they are able - so much caring.

I am so grateful!!!

As always love and best wishes




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  3. The Chronic headache migraine is only annoying at all. If you suffer migraine headache, there may be not so great news as well as best part about it.

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  4. I just started seeing one recently myself and I'm quite impressed with her and her attitute. She is also willing to confer with my doctor and neuro, assist me with my long term leave and confer with a collegue who is working with chronic pain patients. I was impressed. I have had bad experiences with psychologists in the past and have found them generally useless. With her I find I can be honest and I like that it is a guilt free enviroment that I can do so.

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